Transcribed by Margaret Szalay
This book contains two sets of transcriptions, both relating to early Launceston in the 1800s, published as research tools for local or family history research connected with Launceston, Tasmania.
A detailed combined Index is included for easy reference, together with over 80 portraits of early residents mentioned in the transcriptions, and a gallery of images of Early Launceston.
George Fuller's "Recollections of Launceston 1836 – 1847, from memory" & related unpublished papers -
Transcribed with permission from an unpublished work, written 'from memory' between 1894 and 1897. The hand-written original is held in the Original Manuscripts section of the Dixson & Mitchell Libraries, State Library of NSW.
The 'Recollections' comprise George Fuller's notes on Old Launceston, giving a street-by-street, house-by-house description of the town, its buildings and their occupants, together with his personal recollections and stories of the town and its residents in the years 1836 to 1847. These notes also include a collection of his letters dated 1897, to Ernest Whitfeld of Launceston, as well as other historical submissions collected by Mr Whitfeld, as material for public lectures he gave on Early Launceston in 1897 - transcribed in Volume 2.
Ernest Whitfeld's "Early Launceston 1803-1897" -
A series of articles published in the Launceston Examiner in July 1897, based on Mr. Whitfeld's public lectures, covering many aspect of early life in Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) from first settlement up to 1897 - including early settlement, the aboriginals, growth of the town, local stories, cultural activities, currency and tokens, the legal system and punishment, the Tamar Semaphores, and the impact on Tasmania of events on the mainland, such as the Victorian goldrushes.
Click on the Research Interests link for information on other family lines which are part of Margaret’s personal research interests.