Family History Publications

TASMANIA BOUND: Weymouth, Hubbard, Harris & McPhail family stories

Additional information received since its 2004 publication

ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPHS – Additional photographs were received for the Weymouth and Harris families after the publication of "Tasmania Bound". These were published in 2006 in "Tasmania Bound 2: The Weymouth and Harris Family Albums". No additional photographs have been received for the Hubbard and McPhail families. Descendants are invited to send digital copies of family photographs by email to share with other descendants of the families.

UPDATED FAMILY TREE INFORMATION - Additional information has been received from many descendants since 2004. Copies of the updated Family Trees for the Weymouth, Hubbard, Harris and McPhail families are available to descendants on request. (Contact Margaret via the Contacts Link above)

Pages 34 & 362 Wedding of Ernest Weymouth and Clarice Kate Harris "Sirrahnaf", Launceston, Tasmania – 26 January 1912

Standing from left: Dora Weymouth, Will Lester, Phoebe Weymouth (Ernest’s mother), Robert Harris** (father of Clarice), Clarice Kate Harris, Robert Harris Jnr, Cis Harris (wife of Robert Jnr), Leila Harris (later Mrs N. Turner), Norris Turner.

Seated from left: Margaret Holbrooke (mother of Fanny Holbrooke-Harris), Doug Harris, Triss Harris (later Mrs W. Gibson), Ernest Weymouth, George Weymouth, Will Gibson (on ground), Fanny Holbrooke-Harris (mother of Clarice)

** son of Robert Harris and Clara Weymouth

Weymouth Family Tree Ref: Ernest (D16.E3.F1.G10) & Clarice (D16.E8.F5.G4)
(photograph provided by Suzanne Turfrey, 2004)

Additional photographs for the family of Robert Harris, son of Robert Harris and Clara Weymouth - received 2008

Robert Harris, Accountant, Launceston

Sirrahnaf - their family home in Launceston